stksg segment stack db 32 dup("stack") stksg ends datasg segment para 'data' msg1 db 'enter the student name:',"$" msg2 db 'you enterd this name:',"$" strlist label byte max db 20 len db ? buffer db 20 dup(' ') dolar db '$' datasg ends codesg segment para 'code' main proc far assume ds:datasg, cs:codesg,ss : stksg mov ax,datasg mov ds,ax ;--------------------------------------------- mov ah,6h mov al,25 mov ch,0 mov cl,0 ;clear screen mov dh,24 mov dl,79 mov bh,7 int 10h ;--------------------------------------------- mov ah,2h mov dh,10 mov dl,30 ;move of cursor mov bh,0 int 10h ;--------------------------------------------- lea dx,msg1 mov ah,9h ;write enter the student name: int 21h ;-------------------------------------------- mov ah,0ah lea dx,strlist ;Enter Name int 21h ;---------------------------------------------------------- mov ah,2h mov dh,12 mov dl,30 ;move of cursor mov bh,0 int 10h ;--------------------------------------------------------- mov dx,offset msg2 mov ah,9h ;write you enterd this name: int 21h ;---------------------------------------------------------- lea dx,buffer mov ah,9h ;write Name int 21h ;---------------------------------------------------------- main endp codesg ends end main